3 Tiny Tweaks That Will Lead to Big Weight Loss

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3 Tiny Tweaks That Will Lead to Big Weight Loss

Is the winter taking a toll on your health and diet? This is the perfect time to kick yourself into gear and get ready for spring. These three simple tips can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily routine – get ready for a big change in your energy, weight and afternoon hunger pains.

1. Make sure all carbohydrates are whole grain which means BROWN! Whether you’re making rice, pasta or having bread or crackers, stay away from anything that’s white. White carbs are altered from their original state and most of the nutrients are taken out (which is why you can get so hungry after having rice in Chinese food – there are so few nutrients to keep you full). The myth about carbs is that by eating them they will make you fat; that just isn’t true. It’s the refined grains that you should stay away from. Once ingested, refined carbohydrates are immediately turned into sugar which gives you a spike in energy but then quickly crashes making you lethargic. Whole unrefined grains, the “good” grains, have fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that keep your energy levels up and keep you full for hours.

2. Add a dark leafy green to your diet each day. Go spend some time in your local grocery store and check out all of the options that you may have not noticed before. Kale, Collard Greens, Spinach, Bok Choy etc., are an important addition to your daily meals as they provide countless health benefits such as vitamins, minerals, fiber (which lowers cholesterol and blood pressure), and calcium. Also found in leafy greens is folate, which can reduce the potential risk of cardiovascular disease, loss of memory and depression. Dark leafy greens contain lots of water which not only keeps you hydrated but helps maintain healthy skin and hair.

3. Are you nuts for nuts? Well you should be. Including nuts as a snack each day is a perfect way to feed your body saturated or “good” fats, omega 3 fatty acids (which lower inflammation in your body), fiber, magnesium, potassium and many other important nutrients. Eat just a handful a day and you will help reduce LDL or “bad” cholesterol thereby preventing heart disease. While it’s said that some of the best nuts are walnuts and almonds, most nuts have all of the heart healthy, saturated fat and vitamin E to keep you nourished and full while hopefully replacing chips, cookies, soda etc. But be conscious of your portion size and what a handful really is since nuts do contain a lot of calories too. Opt for unsalted and remember to eat slowly! You will be amazed at what a few nuts can do when that afternoon hunger strikes.

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