I challenged myself to work out everyday in February – 28 workouts in 28 days. How hard could it be? i created the rules and was almost too strict in following them. I wanted to prove to myself that there is ALWAYS time in the day, it’s just our priorities may have to shift to make the room.
Here were the rules:
- I had to complete at minimum, 15 minutes of exercise each day – more was always encouraged
- I had to record my workout each day on a massive poster board that I created right next to my KWSOF desk
- Walking didn’t count
- Try not to make my husband crazy by talking about this non stop (jury’s still out on if I accomplished that one!)
To me, the biggest challenge was to make sure that I could rotate enough to give certain muscles a break, but also keep me interested and excited to move every day. Knowing that I’m very specific about my workouts, classes and what I actually enjoy doing, the calendar was incredibly helpful!
Most of you know that I’m a huge SoulCycle fan. I love the energy, the tribe, the sweat and most of all, dancing on a bike in the dark. SoulCycle sign ups open Monday’s at noon so I had to plan those workouts each Monday for the week, otherwise I wouldn’t get into the classes I wanted to with the teachers I wanted. On Sunday nights I would plan out the week and on Monday I would book it. Because spinning every day for 28 days felt crazy, I threw in a lot of yoga and HIIT workouts too!
But how did I really hold myself accountable? I’m super competitive…with myself! There were 3 days where I just couldn’t swing it. Two of those days I was traveling to LA and back to NYC and the other was just a jam packed day where I felt I couldn’t find even 15 minutes (which as I type this, sounds just not true, but it felt true at the time). To make up for 2 of those days, I did double workouts the week I was traveling in LA. My husband told me I was crazy (maybe he’s on to something?) but I had to stay true to my commitment. So I came up short in the end – I didn’t double workout to make up for the last day that I missed. And guess what? It’s totally okay! I have decided to continue this challenge for March because it feels good to strive for something and bring in my competitive spirit.
My calendar is made. Some of the blanks are already filled in. I’m ready to go! Want to join me? Find what you love to do, and map it out. If there isn’t a studio or a class you can get to, what can you do at home? We can ALL find 15 minutes to move our bodies every day. Imagine where you’ll be in 30 days from today? Don’t wish you had started with me, just do it!
We got this March!